Saturday, May 25, 2013

I Got Nothin'...

It's been awhile since I've had the time to sit at my computer and write.  Too busy heading to work on the bus, working, returning from work on the bus, plopping into my comfy chair 12+ hours later when I finally arrive home, and eventually going to get a bite to eat in the kitchen before returning to said chair for the rest of the evening! 

Weekends have been a little less torturous but I have spent some time monitoring the movements of the remodelers when they actually do show up for a few hours work, and purchasing various and sundry items for my newly updated bathrooms and kitchen.

All this to say I'm sorry I haven't been as prolific in the writing department as I would like to be but sometimes, well, let's just say... I got nothin'!

Now, that's not to imply I am totally empty and devoid of things to say, it's just that I haven't felt that the Lord has had anything lately to say to you through me.  There is a difference, you know.  Some folks just write just to be writing.  And that's ok but I usually prefer to write when I sense the Lord wants to say something.  In the beginning, it might start out with me just writing just to write, but somehow it turns into something amazing!  Definitely not because I'm writing it, but because He's giving me a new twist on what I start out with and He's amazing!  Many times I'll go back weeks later and read a post and think, "Wow, that's really cool...did I write that?"  Obviously, I had some Heavenly help..

Ok, so with two blogs going now, Ivegotconfidence, Have Confidence In God and IvegotconfidenceTwo, Growing Up In God, my brain is starting to melt.  I'm considering just going with the second blog as I love how it looks, but the first one is my "baby".  So far, the last three posts on the first blog are the first three on the second, just so I could see how they both looked and to see if there would be any traffic on the second at all.  I would love your opinions and comments, if you would like to participate, and let me know what you all think. 

Obviously, if I get no response, I'll know that nobody is listening, reading, or even out there even though the stats indicate folks are at least looking at some of the pictures.  So, I'd love your help to decide.  Should I continue with both, or switch to the ITGUIG, or stay with IHCIG..eeny, meeny, miney, moe!

Well, that's my silly decision making dilemma for the day, but I know many of you have many more very serious decisions to make daily, and you don't have many, many readers to help you decide what to do.  I've been there too, several times, and I know it's not a fun place to be.  It's scary, often terrifying, especially if the decisions you must make are life or death, or life changing, such as moving, going through a divorce or separation, adoption, and so on.

There is Someone Who is always there to help you through any decision-making you might have to make, and that Someone is Jesus, God's precious Son.  If you don't have a clue Who He is or haven't met Him yet, I'd love to share Him with you.  A relationship with Jesus will demand all you are and all you have but the benefits are Eternal and abundant.  When you give your all to Him, He gives you His all--you have access to everything He is--Healer, Redeemer, Savior, Provider, Comforter, Peace, Love, Joy, Mercy, the giver of unmerited or undeserved favor and grace.  He is Wisdom, Understanding, and gives us Knowledge beyond our human capabilities.

So, you wonder how He can help you out of your situation?  Yeah, I have wondered that myself on several occasions.  But, because I accepted Jesus into my heart several years ago, confidence in Him has grown so that even if I don't understand, I can trust that He has my best interest at heart and will do just what will be the most beneficial for me at any given time.  I know He'll do the same for you too.

But, you gotta ask!  He won't force you and He usually doesn't intervene without permission.  The decision is yours...what will you do with Him?     





Saturday, May 4, 2013

I'm Covered With Feathers!

Many years ago I was told a story about a woman who was walking down a sidewalk in her town, headed for home from her local church after the weekly Bible study she had just attended was over. Her leisurely walk in the warm summer's evening was interrupted only by her musings on the subject matter for that evening which had been "God's Protection" taken from Psalms 91.

As she walked, she became aware of a presence behind her. An uncomfortable feeling came with it and she decided to walk a little faster. The "presence" walked a little faster too. She realized before long that there were at least two older teenage boys, possibly more, following her, intent on some sort of mayhem and she then began to pray...out loud!

It happened that she was from a Pentecostal church and, as was her practice, she prayed in the Holy tongues as the Holy Spirit helped her. Then, remembering the Bible study from just a short while before, she thought about what the pastor had said, "We are covered with His feathers, and under His wings will we find refuge." With a loud voice she shouted, "I'm covered with feathers! I'm covered with feathers! I'm covered with feathers! I'm covered with feathers!" She probably shouted more than four times, but within minutes she turned around and found no one around her, including those teenaged boys. They apparently had found out she was off limits and took off running!!!

Are you "covered" with His feathers? Are you off limits to your spiritual enemies because of God's Protective Hand on your life? As Christians we have access to God's protection through His Son, Jesus. Check out the 91st Psalm and see what is available to you. If we are obedient to His Word and trust and have confidence in Him, we can experience this same kind of protection. Let's get under His feathers and find refuge!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


On a recent trip to California to visit my Mom, I was privileged to attend New Life Community Church, her church home for many years. Sunday school was a blessing in itself, but the main service included lively music which I love, and a message, the first of four or five on the subject of sacrifice. It got me to thinking about how we as human beings, at least in America, do not have a very good attitude towards sacrifice, nor do we understand what sacrifice is all about... letting offenses go, not holding grudges, and so forth. Basically, we want what we want and do not wish to be inconvenienced in any way if we can at all avoid it.

As Christians, we are actually called to a life of sacrifice. We are called to be like Jesus, who sacrificed His life, ultimately, so that we could live life to the fullest, till it overflows--the abundant life. And, if you read the Bible at all, you will undoubtedly notice how Jesus sacrificed not only finances, but physical luxuries, necessities, his time, emotions, and probably much sleep to spend time with His Father, most importantly, then the people to whom He was sent to minister, and finally to His disciples to whom He would leave the bulk of His wisdom and instruction during His brief time of ministry on this earth.
Granted, we are not God in the flesh nor are we anywhere close to being perfect as He is perfect, but we can have confidence in Him to empower us to live this sacrificial life every day as we work, play, deal with family and life's issues that come up on a daily basis.
If you are anything like me, sacrificing my life is not a pleasant thought at all! And, that morning, listening to a sermon about it was not something I was looking forward to. I'm pretty selfish and self-centered in the grand scheme of things as I've discovered over the years and being confronted with that truth was pretty unsettling. But, because I love the Lord so much, it is important for me to occasionally remember how important each one of us is to Him and because He's given me so much, I can learn to share. I must not live my life as the only diva in the universe! Others are just as important to my Creator, Savior and Lord!
So, what is sacrifice and what does it mean anyway? In what ways are we supposed to sacrifice to satisfy the "calling" to live a sacrificial life. Well, I suppose ultimately it involves putting others first, denying our own lusts and passions, and giving till it hurts. For some of us, that will be easier than for others. But, since God knows each of us intimately, He knows just what is a sacrifice and what is not. For a rich man, giving $5,000 is nothing. For a poor man, $5 is a tremendous sacrifice. May I refer you to the story in the Bible of the widow's mite. Her sacrifice of a few pennies was honored far more than the thousands of dollars from a rich man.
Sacrifice does not always mean financial either. For some, giving a smile or a kind word to another person is very difficult and would be considered a great sacrifice because they are experiencing great anger, sadness or depression themselves. In fact, a lot of the time, sacrifice might just mean spending time with a friend or a stranger when you'd rather be doing something else, a simple act of kindness.

Quite frankly, I wonder if we think that we're sacrificing only when it's something really big like giving up a kidney or sending hundreds or thousands of dollars to a missionary overseas, and, consequently, don't even consider the little sacrifices we can make every day to enhance the lives of others!  We have to be careful of doing those big things, because they can build up our pride and then not be a true sacrifice, but an event to be bragged about.
Ok, so what's in it for me? Well, the fact that I would ask that at all shows my heart isn't in the right place. But since I did ask, maybe there is something to be shared from the times I have actually experienced sacrificing for others. It feels really, really good!!!
Maybe God's asking you to give up certain foods for your health's sake? 
When we take the opportunities God gives us to lay something down, share with someone in need, put Jesus first instead of our own desires, He makes us stronger and more alive in Him. We are moving from being a child to growing up in God. We are growing from selfishness to selflessness, me-oriented to God-oriented, childish to child-like. In addition, God often will give back to you in ways that you cannot even imagine. You know all those long hidden secret desires and ideas you have not even uttered in prayer? Don't be surprised if those don't start to get answered, without your even asking.
God loves a cheerful giver. That doesn't just apply to financial things like tithes, offerings, alms, etc. But when you give or sacrifice in faith, even trembling faith, as God directs you to, His grace, mercy, and favor are extended to you in marvelous ways! You know, He wrote the Book on sacrifice. He can help and direct you in starting to live a life of sacrifice. It's not easy, especially for those of us who are divas...but in the end, it's such a much better life and so much more fulfilling, happy, purposeful.
Check it out!

"Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves]. Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not [merely] his own interests, but also each for the interests of others. Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]" Philippians 2:3-5 The Amplified Version